
The three Giza pyramids (Cheops - Chephren - Menkaure)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Months and these pyramids are the three pyramids at Giza (Cheops - Chephren - Menkaure)
- The Great Pyramid (Cheops): 

One of the seven wonders of the world and occupies an area of ​​approximately 13 acres and the original height of 146 meters and 137 meters is almost the length of the rib and base of 230 meters. As for the weights of cut stones ranging between eight tons and tons or more. 

Took to build the Great Pyramid of nearly twenty years and build corridors and lower parts of the pyramid ten years and that according to the Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the fourth century BC, after more than 2000 years of building the pyramid and heard these stories and other some priests and narrators.
- Pyramid of Chephren :

Pyramid of Khafre is one of the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Built by King Khafre, the fourth king of the Fourth Dynasty, the son of King Khufu. He married Princess Ankh anchorages .gm twenty-six years. Built the second pyramid of Giza Pyramids, which is lower than his father's pyramid (Cheops). A height of 136 meters. Built over an area of ​​215 square meters .olh two entrances in the Achammalah.omasal retains a portion of the foreign Xute at the summit. 

It is located south-west of the pyramid of Khafre Pyramid of Khufu his father. And has a height of 143.5 meters and a length of 215.5 meters of each side, and an inclination angle of 53.10. Located at the ground level, and the entrance corridor leads to the downside, the roof of the granite and the angle of descent 22. And ends at the barricade leading to the horizontal corridor, then ramp leads to the compartment called the error burial chamber empty carved in the rock, and leads the vestibule to barricade another rises to the top corridor horizontal ends chamber burial, and this room ceiling Jmalone constructed with limestone, and are almost the middle of the pyramid, the pyramid of Khafre was the name of (the Great). 
- Pyramid Menkaure: 

Menkaure pyramid or the pyramid of King of Kao Ra (Menkaure) is one of the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Was built by the son of King Khafre. The length of each side of the ribs 5,108 meters and a height of 65.5 meters, and 62 meters now. The inclination angle 51 ° 20'25 ". And entrance on the north side. Rises 4 meters above ground level. The corridor leads to a length of 31 meters bearish. And the angle of descent is simple. Built of limestone, granite and roof. And at the end of a corridor lined with stone, lead to a horizontal corridor where 3 barricades after the burial chamber. Bhaaly found a wooden coffin with his name and has a mummy preserved in the British Museum. Launched (Menkaure) on the name of the pyramid (the Bible).

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