
Monday, September 29, 2014

Market Night for Temple Street 

At sundown, begins merchants display their wares and showing opera singers and Gario fortune in the street. Welcome to the night market to Temple Street, a bazaar popular bears his name in honor of Tin Hau Temple, located in the center of the main street. Dominating the atmosphere of a local market has seen a lot of unforgettable experiences. 
With some shoppers negotiate with merchants on ornaments and tea pots, electronics, watches and men's clothing, jade and antiques after that checked out well, others are dealing with appetite rice cooked in an earthen pot, seafood, noodles and other dishes.
Night market is considered to Temple Street is an example to the festive atmosphere always dominant on the Chinese market. And add to it, offers that provide nightly.

Ocean Park in Hong Kong

Ocean Park in Hong Kong

Garden comparable to the global level, was opened in 1977, which bear the stamp of marine life, offering shows for the animals and interesting and offers tours give visitors the experience that combines entertainment, education and keeping livestock. The park is located on the south side of Hong Kong Island, and covering more than 870 thousand square meters. Relate to the waterfront areas and Summit Bdaha by electric vehicle and a train commentator Ocean Highway. 
Polar Adventure - Explore the north and south poles in one day 
The teacher gives you the latest in Ocean Park, namely the polar adventure exploring the north and south poles, fun ride with the test lubricant and charm to meet Patriarch King birds up close. As you'll see walruses with long fangs that live in the Pacific, and spotted seals and Arctic foxes snowy owls and other exotic animals. When you need a break, Taksaydos restaurant serves refreshments with a view overlooking the more than 70 penguin have fun on the snow. 
Hong Kong old - recalled memories of days gone by beautiful! 
Hong Kong sends ancient life in the unique culture of Hong Kong in the fifties and sixties and seventies of the last century. Enjoy the sights and festivals past aboard the tram heritage! Immerses himself in the colors of life and Ckbha before accurate model for the streets and views of old. Set off on a journey to the past and Carry souvenirs to keep the memories 

Mount excitement 
In this area, visitors can skim sagging floor of the train, Hare Raiser, or volatility upside down when you swing the game with a flash. Aviator rose with a feeling for the test flight before usher adventure games electric cars. Do not leave the place without going on a tour in the plains of the countryside Rostr high speed and classic. 
Ride a raft and Esber the depths of the rainforest full of tropical sounds amazing. In this journey, you will meet some of the strangest animals in the world! Explore the strange behaviors of the smallest monkey in the world, the straw dwarf, or witness a wonderful wonderful creatures including animal capybara, the largest rodent in the world, as well as bird Kinkajo Aleracar Green, Toukan smallest in the world. 
Aqua City 
City water comparable to the global level provide you with an unprecedented experience underwater. You can see here Symbio, a multi-sensory display screen includes a water world's first 360-degree. You can also go on a journey to explore inside a large aquarium, which contains 5,000 fish from more than 400 species and other marine wonders. See these masterpieces of the largest dome of the aquarium in the world, which covers an area of ​​5.5 meters in diameter, or by viewing the giant slab, which extends over an area of ​​8x13 meters. And be sure to pass on the Neptune restaurant to enjoy their first experience of dining in the aquarium in Hong Kong! 
Asian amazing animals 
In Asian amazing animals you can recognize some of the rarest animals in Asia. Launched in interactive exploratory journey in "Giant Panda Adventure," where you'll learn about some of the rarest animals in the authentic Asia, which includes giant panda and the red panda and Chinese giant salamanders and Chinese alligator. Group hopes for the thickness of the stunning Golden Treasures Exhibition goldfish or visit the colorful birds and foxes playful Asian small-clawed with the panda in the village. 
Other popular attractions include the display of jellyfish and the rapid jump in the gap and the roller-coaster of Maine and supply in the Pacific Theater, and all offers should not be missed. 
During festive seasons, regulating the Ocean Park in Hong Kong special events such as Halloween party and celebrate Halloween largest in Asia and summer water sports activities. 
Committed to Ocean Park in Hong Kong to strengthen maintaining livestock and support in Hong Kong and on the level of Asia. . Will be offered part of the proceeds from the sale of entry tickets and some commercial varieties to save Livestock Foundation for Ocean Park in Hong Kong to support conservation projects on wildlife.

Lake of the Rosary in Western Australia

Is considered one of the wonders of nature 
This lake is located in Western Australia 
Where it was discovered in 1802 at a time when explorers Albraitaniyon exploring Australia 
In 1950, they decided to explore the mystery of this color after it became the place attracts both visiting Australia 
After many studies, the scientists said that the reason may be the color of algae 
But they are now in a quandary .. did not discover any traces of the algae!

My trip to the Czechs

These are my trip to the Czech country (country of nature - Algamal- fiction) 

My trip was the summer of 2000 and about a month Atsngrguet 

Of course the trip was therapeutic and God was with me the father keeps his age and long 

We decided to travel to the Czechs after Masamana for physiotherapy 

The trip was on the lines of the Roman Riyadh transit in Bucharest 

Like four hours four minutes at the airport woosh woosh show abandonment 

We got to the Prague airport and was greeted by a representative of the clinic depending on our agreement with them 

We got the car and the distance from Prague to Karvina about 500 kilometers 

Passing through the atmosphere fantastic and the City of Ostrava is the second city after Prague 

We even got to a sanatorium and then Karviná Darkov 

It is important and we found a good reception and welcoming decent Bmkanti I am a parent 

During the course of this journey therapeutic lot of positions with colleagues who knew them 

The sorties and strolling and playing games with the Czech people good and I remember that it was with 

Our team play Czech left winger, whatever God wills it 

Pulls the whole team 

Summary journey that parent may God prolong his life, thank God, have benefited from treatment 

Normal percentage of 75/100

Iguazu Falls

And one of the main attractions of competing this year are the Iguazu falls 
Or Argentine Iguazu Falls. 
Falls, a breathtaking when seen, 
And is considered one of the natural spacers between Argentina and Brazil, 
But it's one of the main attractions has entered Afezl within twenty-eight teacher contender to the finals. 

This selection process began Wonderland since two thousand and seven, 
And that the nomination of many landmarks International, 
The people vote on these parameters over the phone, or via the Internet. 

Chairman of the Organization of the seven wonders of waterfalls believed that these horrible beautifully 
If she is elected to become one of the great wonders that will benefit the country's economy, 
It seems that both of these two countries, which share borders has harvested almost uniformly benefits 
Even before the election as one of the wonders of these waterfalls, 
The number of visitors and tourists in the two countries. 

Alegwazo Falls and one of the largest waterfalls in the world, 
Which extends for a distance of 2.7 kilometers on an almost circular 
Extends across the borders of the two countries, Argentina and Brazil. 

Alfalll wonderful Fallla consists of 275 small, 
The height of this small waterfalls somewhere between sixty to eighty meters. 

Choose these wonders have been 28 entered the competition after more than 440 teachers from 220 countries, 
Which reduced to 77, then chosen from 77.28 final. 

As for some of the parameters, which reached the finals in addition to these waterfalls are: 
Amazon River, the Galapagos Island in Ecuador, 
Protected the Grand Canyon in the United States, 
Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia 
And Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

The three Giza pyramids (Cheops - Chephren - Menkaure)

Months and these pyramids are the three pyramids at Giza (Cheops - Chephren - Menkaure)
- The Great Pyramid (Cheops): 

One of the seven wonders of the world and occupies an area of ​​approximately 13 acres and the original height of 146 meters and 137 meters is almost the length of the rib and base of 230 meters. As for the weights of cut stones ranging between eight tons and tons or more. 

Took to build the Great Pyramid of nearly twenty years and build corridors and lower parts of the pyramid ten years and that according to the Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the fourth century BC, after more than 2000 years of building the pyramid and heard these stories and other some priests and narrators.
- Pyramid of Chephren :

Pyramid of Khafre is one of the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Built by King Khafre, the fourth king of the Fourth Dynasty, the son of King Khufu. He married Princess Ankh anchorages .gm twenty-six years. Built the second pyramid of Giza Pyramids, which is lower than his father's pyramid (Cheops). A height of 136 meters. Built over an area of ​​215 square meters .olh two entrances in the Achammalah.omasal retains a portion of the foreign Xute at the summit. 

It is located south-west of the pyramid of Khafre Pyramid of Khufu his father. And has a height of 143.5 meters and a length of 215.5 meters of each side, and an inclination angle of 53.10. Located at the ground level, and the entrance corridor leads to the downside, the roof of the granite and the angle of descent 22. And ends at the barricade leading to the horizontal corridor, then ramp leads to the compartment called the error burial chamber empty carved in the rock, and leads the vestibule to barricade another rises to the top corridor horizontal ends chamber burial, and this room ceiling Jmalone constructed with limestone, and are almost the middle of the pyramid, the pyramid of Khafre was the name of (the Great). 
- Pyramid Menkaure: 

Menkaure pyramid or the pyramid of King of Kao Ra (Menkaure) is one of the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Was built by the son of King Khafre. The length of each side of the ribs 5,108 meters and a height of 65.5 meters, and 62 meters now. The inclination angle 51 ° 20'25 ". And entrance on the north side. Rises 4 meters above ground level. The corridor leads to a length of 31 meters bearish. And the angle of descent is simple. Built of limestone, granite and roof. And at the end of a corridor lined with stone, lead to a horizontal corridor where 3 barricades after the burial chamber. Bhaaly found a wooden coffin with his name and has a mummy preserved in the British Museum. Launched (Menkaure) on the name of the pyramid (the Bible).

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